chef hugo raya’s elotes de feria, heinz wants to cut the mustard for hot dog lovers everywhere, putin blocks champagne, plus: tomatotop100 hawkins cheezies

don’t miss the taste of edmonton

The Taste of Edmonton is back in Churchill Square ‘til August 1. Look for the Brisket Cheesebread sandwich from Bite of Brazil, the Chipotle-spiced Tater Tots from Coast Lunch Box and the Gelato Pucks from Little Bear Gelato. And don’t foerget to buy your 50/50 tix.

taste of edmonton

heritage days is happening!

The Heritage Festival is back this year at Hawrelak Park, July 31-August 2. Keep in mind that this year there are no food tix. Rather, purchase your fave dishes directly at the various pavilions via debit or credit. And, World Music Week is happening until July 30 at the Heritage Amphitheatre. Find all the deets and book your timed entry here.

heritage days

a delicious way to eat taber corn

Because there is always room for another way to eat fresh corn in the summer. Taber corn will be at the farmers’ markets and the trailers on River Road soon. One of the best ways to enjoy it as elotes de feria, a popular Mexican street food. Here is chef Hugo Raya’s version.

elotes de feria

shampansky forever

Russian President Vladimir Putin has decreed that only Russian-made sparkling wines will be allowed to carry the name Champagne. Actual Champagne, that is, wines imported from the Champagne region in France, made in the traditional method, will not be allowed to be sold in Russia as Champagne. It’s a massive market for prestige Champagne. What will the oligarchs do?


what is it with the 10 buns and only eight hot dogs per pack?

Heinz wants it to stop. They have started a petition calling on “big bun and big wiener companies to finally sell in even packs.” The U.S. National Hot Dog and Sausage Council wants to help. “We relish any partnerships to ketchup on hot dog and bun offerings so they cut the mustard for hot dog lovers everywhere,” said the organization. Sign the petition here.

heinz hot dog pact

tomato top100: hawkins cheezies

“Sometimes all you need is a bag of Hawkins.” Cheetos are never an acceptable substitute.

hawkins cheezies

lindsay porter geoscape