sorrentino’s italy vs france wine dinner, adopt a shop, plus recipe of the week: lindsay james’ chive tartine

go on, adopt a shop!

Are you ready to adopt a shop? Show your love of local—spend a minimum of $25 at these local businesses. The list was chosen from 300 business nominations and includes over 50 per cent BIPOC and women-owned businesses. Shops like Awn Kitchen, or Arcadia Brewing Co, Caffé Sole and Kobachi Japanese Cuisine. Linda Huong started Adopt a Shop in 2020; this year ATB is supporting with gift certificates. Sign up here and get shopping!

Go on, Adopt a Shop!

italy vs france wine dinner at sorrentino’s century park

Guess who’s the winner? The diner for sure. Enjoy the superb five-course menu by chef Alberto Alboreggia with wines by somm William Bincoletto of Vines Wine Merchants. Wednesday, June 1, 6pm.Tix: $95++, call 780-439-7335.

Italy vs France Wine Dinner at Sorrentino’s Century Park

tomato top100: uccellino’s roast chicken

Simple isn’t easy. Yes, you can roast a chicken at home, but it’s hard to beat Uccellino’s. Also order the incomparable fresh pasta and something from the stellar Italian-themed wine list. Now, that’s a dinner to remember. Reservations.

Tomato Top100: Uccellino’s Roast Chicken

recipe of the week: chef lindsay james’ chive tartine

The chives are up and some of you may already have radishes! Make this easy and delicious open-faced sammy by chef Lindsay James.

Chive and Fromage Blanc Tartine with Fresh Radish

Irvings Farm + Hayloft = Delicious