Truffled Popcorn

I use an old-fashioned stovetop popcorn maker (the Whirley-Pop is similar). It’s entirely mechanical and requires constant attention, but it’s quick and the results are worth it.

  • 1-3 T white truffle oil*
  • 1 T canola oil
  • 1 T unsalted butter
  • 2 T fine-grained sea salt
  • 1 c popping corn

Place the truffle oil in a large bowl (large enough to hold all the popcorn) and keep warm, but not hot. Place oil, butter and salt in the bottom of a stove-top popcorn maker. Pour in some of the corn, stir to coat, until it spits a bit. Pour in the rest of the corn and cover with the lid. As soon as you hear the first pops start turning the crank, and continue to turn until the corn stops popping and it becomes difficult to move the handle. Take off the heat and empty into the bowl containing the truffle oil. Toss well and check for seasoning. Serve with a good food movie and a glass of Barbera.

*Don’t try to cook the popcorn in the truffle oil. Truffle oil is not really oil of the truffle. It’s an aromatized oil, not heat stable and is quite unattractive if allowed to get too hot.