furgiuele swine & dine, ricasoli monkey business, perfectly fluffy biscuits, plus: split pea and cauliflower soup

passion for pork’s swine & dine at otto

Enjoy the first Swine & Dine of the season at Otto Food & Drink (11405 95 Street, 780-477-6244), Thursday, January 31. Chef Steven Furgiuele shares his passion for pork with four courses featuring pork from Stonepost Farms. Tix: $55/p: https://www.eventbrite.ca

swine and dine at otto

more monkey business at the glass monkey

Meet Francesco Ricasoli at the Tuesday, February 5, Monkey Business dinner at The Glass Monkey (5842 111 Street, 780-760-2228). After bringing the estate back under family control, Francesco Ricasoli (the 32nd baron) returned it to its original purpose—superb wines that reflect their terroir. Five wines paired with five courses, tix: $89/p ++, call 780-760-2228 or email janine@theglassmonkey.ca For more information on Barone Ricasoli: https://www.decanter.com

Tasting Ricasoli wines at the Brolio estate in Chianti Classico
Tasting Ricasoli wines at the Brolio estate in Chianti Classico
photo Mary Bailey

learn to make the perfectly fluffy biscuit

There are a few spots left in the Soda Bread, Biscuit and Cracker class at the Ruby Apron, Thursday, February 28. Tix: $89/p, visit https://therubyapron.ca to book. As well, check out the late winter/spring Ruby Apron schedule while you are there for other terrific cooking and baking classes.

perfectly fluffy biscuit

freezing father update

The freezing father, Peter Burgess, raised over $41,000 camping at the Rainbow Valley Campground last week. For the third winter, Peter has endured the cold to raise funds for the Stollery Children’s Hospital in memory of daughter Elan. Kudos to Todd Rutter (A Cappella Catering) Ryan Hotchkiss (Bündok) Cindy and Brad Lazarenko, (Culina); Serge Belair, (Edmonton Conference Centre formerly the Shaw); Michael Hassall (Ernest’s at NAIT); Charles Rothman and Gregg Kenney (Vivo) who provided breakfast and dinner every day for Peter and his visitors. Donate at www.freezingfather.org.

Todd Rutter (A Cappella Catering and Curbside Food Truck) and Peter Burgess make the perfect breakfast sandwich
Todd Rutter (A Cappella Catering and Curbside Food Truck) and Peter Burgess make the perfect breakfast sandwich

soup for a cold winter’s day

Try this easy recipe for split pea and cauliflower soup (adapted from a recipe by the Alberta Pulse Growers) to chase the winter chill. https://thetomato.ca/tomatoquarantwo

Split Pea & Cauliflower Soup
Photo courtesy Alberta Pulse Growers