Aligot (gf)

“When we were camping around Averyon, France, we came across this recipe for Aligot. It’s made with a special cheese called Tomme Fraiche de Vache that is melted in with the potato puree and mixed a certain way, so you get long strands of cheesy potato—puts on quite a show! Naturally, after gathering all the ingredients from different farms we tried to make this at the campsite (over fire) and it turned out pretty good. Since it’s hard to find the right cheese here you can substitute Raclette or Appenzeller cheese, we like to get these at Bonjour Bakery. –Christine

800 g Yukon Gold potato (potatoes that have been in the cellar a while work best). Try using potatoes from your local market.
400 g Raclette or Appenzeller cheese
200 g cream (we like Vital Greens Organic heavy cream)
1 clove garlic
1 fresh bay leaf

Peel and wash the potatoes and cook them in well-salted water with the garlic and bay leaf until tender. Put the potatoes through a potato mill. Add the cream and place the potatoes and cream in a large bain-marie.

Cut the cheese into strips and add to the potatoes. Get a large wooden spoon and make figure eights until it becomes long and stringy, and you can pull it up about a foot above the pan. Season well with salt.

Makes 6-8 portions.