Tomato Top100: Edgar Farm’s Aspargus

Just a few more weeks for delicious local asparagus, available at the Bountiful, Callingwood, Old Strathcona and St Albert Farmer’s Market and the Edgar’s farm shop near Innisfail. Interesting facts about Edgar’s asparagus: the cool weather produces really sweet tasting asparagus. There is no need to snap off the end, they come pre-snapped. You can pick up bags of bags of broken bits (which they call odds and unevens) at a discount, perfect for soup. Edgar’s asparagus pickles and other condiments are produced from asparagus that still tastes great but maybe doesn’t look so good after being beaten by wind or hail. Alberta asparagus is an unlikely seasonal delicacy that couldn’t be any fresher. Dig in!.

tomato top100: Edgar Farm’s Aspargus