Recipe of the week: chef Vuong’s apple haskap crumble

An easy and seasonal dessert courtesy of Kitchen Party competitor chef Joseph Vuong of Café Bicylcette.

Recipe of the week:chef Vuong’s apple haskap crumble.

“We use Rosy Farms haskaps in a lot of dishes. This crumble is a staff favourite,” –Chef Joseph Vuong, Café Bicylcette.

8 Granny Smith apples, sliced
8 red apples (Pink Lady or another), sliced
½ c flour (can replace with GF flour)
1 c haskap berries (frozen is fine)
½ t cinnamon powder
2 c brown sugar
¼ t nutmeg
¼ t allspice powder
¼ t salt
1 T vanilla extract

For the Topping:

2 c oats (can use GF oats)
1 c brown sugar
½ c melted brown butter

Mix the apple slices with the flour and berries in a large bowl. making sure there are no flour lumps.

In a separate bowl, mix together the sugar, spices, salt and vanilla, then add to the apple slices. Divide between eight oven-safe individual baking dishes (or put in one large baking dish).

For the topping, mix the oats, brown sugar and melted butter together in the spice bowl, then portion out over the apple mixture. Lightly pack and bake at 350ºF, for 25-30 minutes, until the tops are golden brown and the internal temp reaches 160ºF. Serve warm with heavy cream or ice cream.

Serves 8.

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