Amari Caldo (GF)

Amari Caldo

Amari are the Italian aromatized wines drunk after dinner to aid digestion. Every region makes their own style. We can thank Daniel Costa at Corso 32 who introduced regular Edmontonians to the whole concept. He was the first to encourage drinking amari and stocks a wide selection for after dinner. Cibo Bistro has a good selection too. To buy for home, check out the amari section at Color de Vino. Nonino with its citrusy flavours would be delicious, Nardini is a classic, Montenegro and Averno are easy to find. Or try the less-known Alpine amari such as Braulio, with notes of pine and juniper, it’s like you are drinking the forest—how wonderful after a walk in the woods.

three parts amaro (we used the excellent Antico Amaro di Serravalle from Piedmont)
five parts hot water

Pour into a glass and twist lemon peel over. Easy peasy.