Recipe of the week: Grilled Peaches with Burrata

Ah summer, when you can have fruit for dinner. Especially if the peaches are grilled and served with luscious burrata and fresh basil.

Recipe of the week: Grilled Peaches with Burrata

When you tire of eating ripe B.C. peaches over the sink, try using them in a savoury way. You can use either peaches and nectarines, and if you don’t want to use burrata, try the recipe for homemade ricotta and use that instead. Adapted from a recipe by Elena Silcock.

4 peaches, or so, depending on size, cut into wedges
olive oil
1⁄2 bag arugula or two butter lettuces
sm bunch Italian parsley, stemmed
sm bunch basil, torn, for garnish
1⁄2t chopped fresh thyme
1 or 2 lg burratta or 3-4 small homemade ricotta


Squeeze about half a lemon into 2-3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil. Whisk until combined. Season to taste.

Brush the peaches with oil and grill face down over medium heat until there are marks and the fruit is somewhat warm. Toss the greens and parsley with the thyme and dressing. Start with a small amount and increase until it’s dressed the way you like. Leave a little dressing to drizzle later.

Plate the greens on a platter. Arrange the grilled stone fruit attractively and tuck the burratta in and around the fruit—if using large, break into a few pieces. Garnish with the torn basil leaves. Crack some pepper and toss a little finishing salt over. Serves 6-8.

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