Recipe of the Week: Chef Zofia Trebaczkiewic’s Chłodnik Litewski with Raspberries

Enjoy a Polish tradition—summer fruit soups, refreshing and so delicious!

Zofia Trebaczkiwicz’s chłodnik litewski with raspberries.

Zofia Trebaczkiwicz’s chłodnik litewski with raspberries.

Chłodnik Litewski with Raspberries
There is a Polish tradition of summer fruit soups, such as strawberry with tomato and this delicious beet soup by chef Zofia Trebaczkiewicz. Think of it as the most amazing borshcht. Chef has listed many garnishes, use what you like.

4-5 med roasted beets, chopped
¾ c raspberries
4 T red wine vinegar
1-2 cloves garlic
2 potatoes, boiled
1 c vegetable broth
750 gr kefir
250 g crème fraîche

Blend all ingredients until smooth and chill. Salt/pepper to taste.

Garnish with 2 finely chopped semi-pickled cucumbers (half sour), 4-6 sliced radishes, chopped dill, chives, basil, sorrel (any one or all). Finish with dill oil, popped dill seeds, feta, Aleppo peppers and a few raspberries.

Serves 2-4.

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