Recipe of the week: Berry Clafouti

Chef Brad Smoliak’s easy and delicious clafouti makes a wonderful summer dessert (or breakfast).

Recipe of the week: Berry Clafouti

A simple batter, much like a crepe batter, is poured over fresh raspberries and blackberries in a butter and sugar-lined dish. Baked until bubbling, with a light golden crust and served warm with crème fraîche. So easy and so good! –Brad Smoliak

butter for pan
1¼ c whole milk
1/3 c + 2 T sugar for pan and top
3 lg eggs
1 t vanilla extract
¼ c flour
pinch salt
several grinds of coarse ground pepper, it brings out the flavour of the berries
1½ pints raspberries, blackberries or blueberries, or a mix of berries.
powdered sugar

Heat oven to 350ºF.

Lightly butter, then sprinkle 1 tablespoon of sugar into medium size baking dish with sides at least 1½-inches deep.

Place milk, ⅓ cup sugar, eggs and vanilla into a medium bowl and whisk together until very well blended. Add flour, salt and pepper and whisk until frothy.

Pour ½ of the batter into the baking dish and sprinkle on the fruit. Add the rest of the batter. Smooth batter over the fruit with the back of a spoon.

Sprinkle the remaining tablespoon of sugar over the top.

Bake about 30 minutes or until the top is puffed and browned and a skewer comes out clean from the centre.

Sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve with slightly sweetened crème fraîche or whipped cream. Best served warm.

Serves 4.

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