Recipe of the Week: Julia’s Panna Cotta with Summer Fruit

A great idea for dessert on a hot summer’s night: chef Julia’s easy panna cotta with three different in-season sauces.

Julia’s Panna Cotta with Summer Fruit

Julia Kundera, chef at the Out of Bounds restaurant at the Cattail Crossing Golf & Winter Club, is a flavour maven. Along with her sister Zofia Trebaczkiewicz, they have had a major impact on the Edmonton food scene for many years. We love their cooking! This is a sturdy panna cotta technique and, with the three sauces, you will have a summer of lovely desserts in your repertoire.

Panna Cotta

2 c heavy cream
¼ c sugar
vanilla bean extract
1 env powdered gelatin
cold water (enough to bloom the gelatin)

Heat the cream and sugar together until dissolved. Remove from heat and add vanilla. Lightly oil 4 or 6 custard cups with grape seed oil. Sprinkle gelatine over cold water and let stand for 5-10 minutes. Pour the very warm cream mixture over gelatin and stir until completely dissolved. Divide into prepared cups. Wrap with saran and chill until ready to serve.

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