Recipe of the Week: Ariel’s Ginisang Munggo (mung beans)

After all the Easter excess, this Filipino bean and spinach soup hits the spot. Fantastic on a blustery day. Recipe by Ariel del Rosario, Filistix.

“In the Philippines the Easter season is observed from Palm Sunday, followed by Holy Monday, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Black Saturday, culminating on Easter Sunday. We refer to this as Semana Santa and it is the second most important cultural holiday season next to Christmas. The mood of the week is sombre with people practicing the discipline of fasting and abstinence. Maundy Thursday is the beginning of the statutory holidays and the mood shifts to a more celebratory one. Filipinos abstain from eating meat this week, opting for fish, seafood and vegetables. The recipes are for two popular Easter dishes, Ginisang Munggo and crispy pan-fried tilapia. Tilapia is a popular fish in the Philippines because of its low cost and mild flavour.
–Ariel del Rosorio, Filistix.

Recipe of the Week Ariel’s Ginisang Munggo (mung beans)

1 c dried mung beans
6 c water
1 T vegetable oil
1 onion, peeled and sliced thinly
3 cloves garlic, peeled and minced
1 large tomato, chopped
1 T fish sauce
2 c chicharron (pork cracklings with attached meat)
1 bunch fresh spinach, stems trimmed

Sort through the mung beans, discarding discolored or shriveled beans and any grit or dirt. Rinse beans in cold, running water until water runs clear. Drain well. In a large pot, combine mung beans and water. Over medium heat, bring to a boil skimming froth that floats on top. Lower heat, cover, and continue to cook for about 45-50 minutes or until the beans have softened and the skins have burst. Add more water as needed to maintain 4 cups.

In another pot over medium heat, heat oil. Add onions and garlic and cook until tender and aromatic. Add tomatoes and cook, mashing with the back of the spoon, until softened. Add fish sauce and continue to cook for about 1 to 2 minutes. Add cooked mung beans including liquid. Bring to a boil. Add pork cracklings and continue to cook until softened. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Add spinach, turn off heat and cover pot for about 1-2 minutes or until spinach is just wilted. Serve hot.

Serves 4-6.

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